《冰雪奇緣》為迪士尼繼《魔髮奇緣》與《無敵破壞王》後,第53部經典動畫,根據安徒生童話《雪後》改編。已奪得本屆金球獎最佳動畫,並與主題曲「Let It Go」一起提名本屆奧斯卡原創歌曲和長篇動畫,被視為得獎大熱門。
在音樂與歌曲製作上融合了百老匯音樂劇的迷人魅力與童話電影音樂的瑰麗色彩。全片歌曲部份由紐約劇場界作曲家Robert Lopez,以及Robert的老婆兼創作搭檔Kristen Anderson擔綱,主題曲「Let It Go」則由演出迪士尼頻道原創電影《搖滾夏令營》女主角─蜜琪的Demi Lovato獻唱。樂譜為鋼琴編排(主旋律+伴奏部份)并包含完整歌詞與吉他和弦。 更多冰雪奇緣。因為一直有新產品請善用搜尋
Do You Want To Build A Snowman?
Fixer Upper
For The First Time In Forever
For The First Time In Forever (Reprise)
Frozen Heart
Heimr Arnadalr
In Summer
Let It Go
Love Is An Open Door
Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People
In Disney's upcoming animated musical film, Frozen, the Snow Queen holds a kingdom under a spell that traps them in a harsh and grueling eternal winter. Anna, the Snow Queen's sister and Anna's friend Kristoff undertake an adventure of Everest proportions, facing magic and mystical creatures, to capture the Snow Queen and save the kingdom from destruction. The Art of Frozen features concept art from the making of the film, including character studies and sculpts, colour scripts, storyboards and more, alongside interviews and with the film's artists about the making of this adventurous animated film
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